Doctoral Symposium-Keynote


Having the cake and eating it

Mladen Vouk

North Carolina State University, USA


Abstract – Working on a PhD is a labor of love. However, it is important to pro-actively plan both the current work, and the future interests. One of the decisions is whether a student wishes to stay in academia after receiving her/his PhD. This talk will review the options through examples ranging from a path to professorship, to a startup path, to a career in industry or a government lab.


Short Biography – Mladen Alan Vouk received Ph.D. from the King's College, University of London, U.K. Dr. Vouk is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Development and Administration. He is also Director of the NC State Data Science Initiative. Dr. Vouk has extensive experience in both commercial software production and academic computing. He is the author/co-author of over 300 publications. His interests include software and security engineering, bioinformatics, scientific computing and analytics, information technology assisted education, and high-performance computing and clouds. Dr. Vouk is a member of the IFIP Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software, and a recipient of the IFIP Silver Core award. He is an IEEE Fellow, and a recipient of the IEEE Distinguished Service and Gold Core Awards. He is a member of several IEEE societies, and of ASEE, ASQ (Senior Member), ACM, and Sigma Xi.