WoSAR Program

Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation(WoSAR)

Notes: The presentation time for each regular paper is 25 min + 5 min (Q&A).

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Session 1: Keynote and Literature Reivew(9:00AM - 10:30AM)

Chair: Roberto Natella

1. Keynote by Dr. Domenico Cotroneo.

2. Software Aging and Rejuvenation in the Cloud: A Literature Review. Roberto Pietrantuono and Stefano Russo

3. A Systematic Mapping Review of Memory Leak Detection Techniques. Guilherme de Sena and Rivalino Matias Jr.

Coffee Break: 10:30AM - 11:00AM

Session 2: Software Aging Detection and Monitoring(11:00AM - 12:30PM)

Chair: Artur Andrzejak

1. An Empirical Study on Software Aging Indicators Prediction in Android Mobile. Yu Qiao, Zheng Zheng and Yunyu Fang

2. Extracting Interaction-related Failure Indicators for Online Detection and Prediction of Content Failures. Luyi Li, Minyan Lu and Tingyang Gu

3. The Role of Similarity in Detecting Feature Interaction in Software Product Lines. Seyedehzahra Khoshmanesh and Robyn Lutz

Lunch Break: 12:30PM - 2:00PM

Session 3: Software Rejuvenation(2:00PM - 3:30PM)

Chair: Domenico Cotroneo

1. A New Software Rejuvenation Model for Android. Jianwen Xiang, Caisheng Weng, Artur Andrzejak, Zhao Dongdong, Tian Jing, Xiong Shengwu and Li Lin

2. Interacting SRN Models for Availability Evaluation of VM Migration as Rejuvenation on A System under Varying Workload. Matheus Torquato and Marco Vieira

Coffee Break: 3:30PM - 4:00PM

Session 4: SAR Handbook(4:00PM - 5:30PM)

Chair: Alberto Avritzer

SAR Handbook editors summary. Kishor Trivedi, Tadashi Dohi and Alberto Avritzer